Bobby Shafto Hills of the North Run

The Durham MG Club Bobby Shafto
Hills of the North Run on
Sunday April 23rd 2017 at 9.30/10.30am
At the Beamish Hall Hotel,
Co. Durham
This is a leisurely untimed run leaving Beamish Hall Hotel at around 10.00am, covering approx 100 miles over a new circular route through the hills of the North returning to Beamish Hall at around 3.30pm when presentations will be made. This allows plenty of time for comfort breaks and sightseeing. The lunch stop has car park, toilets, café, picnic area, and a place of interest to visit. This run is open to any and all makes of classic car as well as any MG model.
Prizes will be awarded for the following classes:
MG Roadsters B’s or Midgets
MGBGT or Hardtop
Modern MG
Older MG (MGA or earlier)
Classic Cars
The longest distance travelled to the event
If you would like your car to be judged then make sure you fill in the details on your entry pass and leave it in your car where it can be seen
To Find Beamish Hall Hotel
Just off the A1(M) motorway at Junction 63 (Chester le Street & Stanley. Take the A693, following the signs to Beamish - The North of England Open Air Museum - for 4 miles. At the main entrance to the Museum, take the country lane to your left. Follow the road to the bottom of the hill and the hall is the next left after the Beamish Golf Club
The current Beamish Hall was built in the mid 18th century to replace the old manor. In 1803 Catherine Eden, a daughter of Sir John Eden 4th Baronet, married Robert Eden Duncombe Shafto of Whitworth Hall, County Durham . In 1904 their grandson Rev Slingsby Duncombe Shafto inherited the estate and thereupon took Eden as an additional surname. He was High Sheriff of Durham in 1908. In 1949 following the death of Robert Shafto, the property was sold to the National Coal Board and the family moved to Bavington Hall. In 1969 the house was acquired by Durham County Council and from then until 1995 it was occupied by a Local Education Authority residential school. After being declared surplus to the council's needs, the Hall stood empty until August 2000. Later in that year it was again sold and was refurbished by new owners and converted into a hotel.
The Durham MG Club look forward to seeing you on the day and hope the weather is favourable.